Coollector Movie Database 4.23.2 Portable

Удобная программа для управления личной видео коллекцией, которая поможет вам ее упорядочить и систематизировать. Программа имеет ряд уникальных особенностей, которые вы найдете больше нигде! Закачка информации о фильмах с сервера. Отслеживание всех просмотренных фильмов. Составление списка фильмов, которые вы желает посмотреть в будущем. Глубокие настройки. Поможет решить, что смотреть по телевизору или в кинотеатрах.
Позволяет управлять коллекцией фильмов и добавлять различную информацию о них. Включает огромную энциклопедию кинофильмов, объединенную с базой данных существующих видео (имеется информация о 180 000 фильмах и 1 млн актёрах). Осуществляет быстрый поиск по каталогу и практически не занимает системных ресурсов.
Создание индивидуализированной энциклопедии. Просмотр отмеченных фильмов как: известные, понравившиеся/непонравившиеся, те что у вас есть и т.д.Просмотр данных о фильмах, режиссерох, актерах, и т.д. Возможность приобрести DVD с понравившимся фильмом или фильмами любимого актера, режиссера.
Coollector Movie Database is a collection of movie encyclopedia, owned videos, and existing Videos. It has a huge encyclopedia of movies and series, that you can search in all possible ways, and personalize by rating all the movies you have seen. You can also manage your video collection, DVD, Blu-ray, and your VHS.whatever. Even the video files on your computer disk, which you can conveniently scan and play. And finally, the database of existing videos will simplify the input of your owned videos.
Catalog your DVD collection. Automatically scan your video files. Rate what you've watched. Get personalized recommendations matching your tastes. Easily decide what to watch on TV, in theaters, on Netflix. Discover great movies and series that you would have missed otherwise. We're living in a golden age with more great shows available than you can possibly watch. Why waste your time watching an average show when you could be watching a much better one? This app understands your tastes and recommends you the shows that you'll enjoy the most.
Coollector Movie Database is a welcome alternative to decide what to watch on Netflix. The recommendations are accurate and unbiased, and it's much easier to browse or filter the whole Netflix catalog (the app knows the catalogs from 30 countries, updated daily).
Netflix is a great service, offering lots of shows for a low price, but their user interface has gone downhill... Many shows are buried and nearly impossible to find, their recommendation system is blatantly biased toward their Netflix Originals, you can only thumb up or thumb down a show, the percent match scores are all wrong, you can't mark a show as "not interested", you're recommended shows you've already seen, and the auto-playing previews can be quite intrusive.
With Coollector, hunt less, watch more!
For the movie lover:
Track what movies and series episodes you've seen, and how much you've liked them. The program will analyze your tastes to give you personalized movie recommendations.
For the video collector:
Remember what DVDs you own, where they're stored, and which ones you've loaned. You'll easily organize your video files too, by scanning your disk automatically.
This software includes a vast database of movies and series, richly illustrated with movie posters, person pictures, and character screenshots. The interface is highly customizable, with skins and adjustable layouts. It's easy to make any search you can think of. You can publish your data on the internet, to access it from anywhere or to show to your friends.
NETFLIX & HULU: browse their catalogs of streaming movies and series to conveniently decide what to watch. It can be an alternative way to get better Netflix recommendations, especially after Netflix recent changes (star ratings replaced by thumbs up/thumbs down, bad predictions, and Netflix pushing down your throat their in-house productions).
The best part is that you can personalize that movie database. You can rate a film to remember whether it was good or bad. You can track which part of a series you've already seen, by rating whole seasons or individual episodes. You can tag the movies and the persons with any words you want. You can organize your video collection, remembering what you own, where it's stored, or what you've loaned to whom. You can create a wish-list with all the movies that you'd like to watch. All those personalizations are clearly visible: movies that you own are highlighted, and colored icons will instantly remind you of how much you like a movie or a person.
Информация о программе:
Язык интерфейса: английский
Платформа: Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7/8/10/11
Год выхода: 2024
Размер (7z): 239 Мб
архив не запаролен
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