Atlantis Word Processor Portable

Полнофункциональный текстовый редактор с интерфейсом, очень похожим на интерфейс Microsoft Word. Несмотря на небольшой размер, Atlantis Word Processor имеет практически все нужные инструменты для работы с текстом - автозамену, шаблоны, стили, выделение цветом и т.п., включая опции шифрования, автосохранения, а также архивирования документов и их быстрой отправки их по электронной почте. Кроме этого, имеется возможность настройки интерфейса (меню, горячие клавиши, цвета, звуки и т.п.). Возможна проверка орфографии (English, Brazilian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish).
Поддерживается работа с документами форматов RTF, MS Word 6.0/95/97/2000/XP/2003 (DOC), Atlantis Encrypted Documents (COD), MS Write (WRI), TXT (Windows ANSI и MS DOS).
Atlantis is an innovative, no-nonsense word processor carefully designed with the end-user in mind. Compact, fast-loading, but still powerful and efficient, Atlantis will be the perfect companion for a wide range of your word processing tasks, – from simple to most complex. It does not matter if you are a novice or a power user, Atlantis has the tools you will ever need to compose highly professional documents. Using a most original and practical Control Board, you will create and manage all components of complex documents with unparalleled ease: sections, fields, headers & footers, newspaper columns, bulleted & numbered lists, styles, bookmarks, footnotes & endnotes, etc, all are a breeze with Atlantis.
Both the Safeguard and Backup Files features make sure that you work under extremely safe conditions. Private documents can also be encoded and secured: you can save them to a proprietary COD file format using powerful 256-bit encryption technology.
The Atlantis AutoCorrect and Spellcheck-As-You-Type features combine with a unique typing assist, the Atlantis Power Type, to dramatically simplify your word processing life.
The Atlantis interface is entirely customizable: menus, toolbars, hot keys, colors and sounds can all be adjusted to suit your own requirements. What's more, Atlantis is a fully portable word processor. You can install Atlantis to a memory flash drive, and Atlantis will travel with you wherever you go.
And much-much more for you to discover...
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Информация о программе:
Язык интерфейса: английский+русский
Платформа: Windows XP/2003/Vista/7/8/10/11
Год выхода: 2024
Размер (7z): 10 Мб
архив не запаролен
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