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Photomizer 3.0.6017.25771 Portable

Photomizer 3.0.6017.25771 Portable

Photomizer - профессиональная программа анализирующая не качественные цифровые изображения для последующей обработки, после чего фотографии автоматически станут ярче, резче, насыщенней, приобретя форму. Протестируйте Photomizer своими не удавшимися изображениями.

Image editing of the next generation! Photomizer BoxRotating or cutting images, removing red eyes now and then - this was yesterday. Image editing of the next generation goes further and addresses directly the weak points of digital photographs, to which even the most expensive cameras are not immune. Too dark, too bright, too low contrast, too accentuated, somewhat too blurred, with colours either too faint or too loud? Photomizer knows all the hurdles that need to be cleared in order to produce perfect photos; and it provides the suitable tools to obtain them. For beautiful photo albums and complete success at Flickr & Co. Photomizer is the perfect completion to your digital camera, be it expensive or low-priced.

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